69: The number of wins the Red Sox currently have this season on August 7th — 115 games into the season. It also is the most wins of any American League team and ties Atlanta for most wins in the majors.
Pretty good, right? Let's flash back to the 2012 season. Sorry... it has to be done.
69: The number of wins the Red Sox had after all 162 games last season under the seriously flawed guidance of one Robert John Valentine. If you don't feel like doing the math, this means they lost 93 games. That really sucks.
69: The number of times a Red Sox fan felt any inkling of happiness in 2012 and even those 69 times weren't that happy.
69: The number of times I cursed Larry Luchino for thinking it was a good idea to hire a nutbag to helm an already listing ship.
69: The number of incredibly asinine things Valentine said in just his first week alone managing the team.
69: The number of bad words I thought during every painstaking loss. I probably said at least half of them.
69: The number of times Bobby Valentine deserved to be flogged for just showing up at the ballpark every day and making everyone miserable.
69: The number of times I thought about throat punching every player on the field during my trip to Fenway last August. It wasn't pretty. I hated almost everyone and their piss poor attitudes.
69: The number of back flips I wish I could've performed after The Big Trade. Kudos to you, Ben Cherington, for unloading one big pile of dead weight.
69: The number of pennies I thought Valentine earned for his work with the team last year.
69: The number of nanoseconds I missed Josh Beckett, Adrian Gonzalez and Carl Crawford collectively.
69: The number of times I strongly considered turning in my fan card and hopping on the Yankees bandwagon. (Nah, just kidding. About the Yankees part, not the fan card part.)
It was a rough year...
69: The number x 100 of happy moments I've experienced this season and August has only just begun! Ok, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but how can you not love this team?
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