Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 164: Amazing Termite Football TD Run

Sometimes here at Balls of All Sizes, I like to take a break from the professionals and feature kids making awesome plays. And this particular play was so amazing that it was featured on SportCenter's Top 10 Plays on Tuesday... in fact, it was #1. So I think John David Taylor, who basically left carnage in his path during a 43-yard touchdown run, deserves some recognition here too.

Taylor plays quarterback for a Goshen, Alabama termite football team consisting of 9- and 10-year-olds. In a recent game against rival Ariton, Taylor's dad called the play, "wishbone fake 36, 18 flats" and the kid took it from there. He ran right through a defender at the line of scrimmage, sending the poor kid tumbling to the ground like the ran into a brick wall. He then turned the corner right at the sideline, causing a cluster of would-be tacklers just randomly all fall to the ground—probably saving themselves from Taylor's fury.

But my favorite part of the run happens about 20 yards up field when the last guy with a chance to take Taylor down fell victim to a stiff arm that would make Adrian Peterson proud. The stiff arm casualty tumbled easily to the turf and John David comfortably cruised into the end zone for the score. If you ask me, #4 in the video (really the last hope to catch the QB) was only running at half speed, clearly afraid for his life.

Imagine what this kid must be feeling after being featured on national television. Despite his recent fame, John David says all he really wants to do is win his league's Super Bowl so he can celebrate with his teammates. Too cute!

So what college coach already had the Taylor family on speed dial?

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